Nourished Life… It’s what I created to help those with IBD specifically, but can be for anyone with an auto-immune disease, to see that a healthier life can be attained. Nourished Life is about going back to basics, to what has been studied, what’s tried, and what’s true.
It’s for those who just do not know how to even begin to be healthy in their IBD journey but also for those experienced in being healthy but have fallen off the healthy train.
I created the 5 Basics to a Nourished Life.
5, That’s all.
Stay hydrated
Eat clean
Move that body
Sleep well
Do something you are passionate about daily
It’s this basic.
I have heard “well, that’s simple”.
Yes it is, but it’s not so easy or you would be living it, right?!
So, what is stopping you?
You want to live healthier, right?
Let me tell you there is no magical anything when it comes to IBD, unfortunately. It is usually a combination of things. A good start is the 5 Basics. What you put in your body helps you have the energy to do all the other things.
Begin today one of two ways:
Write the 5 basics on a post-it, on your phone, or day timer. Your goal is to check off each one daily by there end of the day.
Another way is to just start with #1 for one week. Week 2 add #2 while still maintaining #1. By starting with #1, staying hydrated helps the rest of the Basics.
A. Staying hydrated helps you digest your food better and move your food through your intestines smoother.
B. Lubricating joints and hydrating muscles help you move better and increases energy.
C. Your body running more efficiently will naturally help you sleep better.
D. You will have more energy to do all the things you are passionate about and enjoy doing.
Tell me how are you going to start the 5 Basics today?
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Milka & Sporty